I have created innovative academic products, academic models, academic
services and offerings to set up brands with a competitive
advantage in various parts of India. I have held leadership positions in educational setups and have created high end targets for product and service development, diversification its creation and have strategically achieved it. I have scaled businesses with a significant market share increase from the first year
on, by creating innovative solutions with cost reduction and cost effective
methods. I have achived significant success with problem solving, redefining the goals, resourcing and sustaining an organisation through crisis and challenges of various dimensions. I work as an Academic Consultant,Advisor,Trainer,Coach and Mentor to Identifying critical uncommon problems and strategically developing sustainable teams, products and services to créate brand value.
I use the Socio Emotional Learning model of Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) with my learners, and the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy model to assist the learning and socio emotional culture to sustain in a happy and self empowering way for all.
As a TQM Assessor , Agile and Lean Sigma Coach I create Process based SOP and effective systems and make the organisation compliant to effective outcomes.

I have acquired two Harvard University Online degrees on Leaders of Learning and High Performance. I have a Strategic Leadership degree from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. I have a Masters Degree in English Language and a Bachelors Degree in Education.

I have coached and trained Engineers ,Management Graduates , Professionals and Learners from Corporate as well as Academia since last 22 years.

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